Festival "HERO"

The Krasnoyarsk film school "Enisey Kino" started accepting applications

"Enisey kino" invites children and teenagers to film school!

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Applications for the training start from 17 October.

Children who dream of making a big film will be able to immerse themselves in the process of film production and learn all its stages in practice - learn about the basics of screenwriting, work on the set, editing and post-production.

The main objective of the course is to give future filmmakers a complete understanding of the film making process.

We would like to remind you that last year the film school has already held training courses and some graduates continued their education in higher educational institutions of the country and abroad in the film industry. This year at the Enisey Film School, the emphasis will be placed on the students' independent choice in the study of individual disciplines. In the course of their studies, participants will make their own films and will be able to submit their work to the Hero film festival for children and youth. The programme will be of interest to both beginners and those who have already studied at the Krasnoyarsk Film School.

Training at the film school is free of charge. All teachers are specialists with a degree in the film industry.

School curator: Inna Konyukova is a film teacher with extensive experience of working with children and teenagers, producer, gaffer, film observer. Enisey Kino has professional equipment (cameras, sound and light), which each of the students will be able to access during their studies.

Anyone between the ages of 12 and 18 can apply for participation. Admission will run from 17 to 31 October inclusive. Registration link: https://forms.yandex.ru/cloud/652e362a43f74f302fbe7679/

After 31 October, the experts of "Enisey Kino" will make a selection, based on the results of which a group of 50 students will be formed.

The results will be announced on the official website of Enisey Kino, on the Hero website and on the Film School's page on the VKontakte social network. The first session will take place on 4 November as part of the "Night of the Arts" event.

Classes will be held at "Enisey Kino" 2 times a month.

The duration of one session is 1 hour.

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